Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tidewater Inn by Colleen Coble

Libby thought she was all alone in the world. Both her parents were deceased. Her mother had died a year before and her father has died when she was five; at least that was what was told by her mother. All this changed when she got a call from Nicole, her business partner. While on a business trip Nicole had discovered that Libby’s father had actually died only a month before and that he had left Libby the Tidewater Inn in his will. Tidewater Inn was a beautiful historic building that was badly in near of repair. Libby also learned that her father had remarried and that she had two half siblings. Nicole had hooked up a cam camera so Libby could see everything and also see her half sister but before her eyes she witnessed that Nicole was abducted by two strange men. Alarmed she immediately took a trip to Hope Island to try to find her friend and business partner and to also find out about the will and her father. The local authorities did not believe her that her friend was abducted. They thought she had something to do with Nicole going missing and nothing would convince them otherwise. While there she met Alec who worked for the coast guard and he eventually believed her. She also met her siblings who were very hostile to her in the beginning, particularly the sister.
I really liked the has the mystery was solved in the story. Really like it that some favorite characters from the Rock Harbor series were brought in to help solved the mystery. It was so good to see Bree and her famous search and rescue dog Samson back in action. I also liked how Libby had to answer to the Holy Spirit on the right thing to do concerning her siblings. Her head told her one thing but the Holy Spirit told her another. The theme was WWJD.(What would Jesus do).

Looking forward to reading more books in this series. I hope the next one focuses on Vanessa, the sister.

Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas Nelson books for providing me with this ebook to review.

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