Friday, January 20, 2017

Raging Storm by Vannetta Chapman

Raging Storm is second in the Remnant series. I started this book and could not put it down. There is something constantly going on. Shelby is on a mission to find insulin for her diabetic son. He currently has some but his supply will run out soon and there is none locally so she must travel to Austin Texas to find some but she is not alone. She travels with four other friends. Along the way their lives are in constant jeopardy. It is a fight for survival. The world has changed and Shelby and her group find they must do things that no human should have to do in a lifetime. Along the way they meet new friends, people of the remnant who help them in their journey. There are some twists in the story but I don't want to give too much of the story away. The story left the reader with a cliff hanger. I can't wait to read the next story in the series to find out what happens. This book was a clean read with no sexual situations but there is a some violence.

Thanks to Netgalley and Harvest House Publishers for providing me a digital copy of this book to read and review. Raging Storm is available to purchase on February 1, 2017.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

An Uncommon Protector by Shelley Gray

An uncommon Protector is book 2 in the Lone Star Hero series which centers around a brotherhood of men who became friends while prisoners of war during the War of Norther Aggression. These brotherhood of friends make a vow to be there for each other if every help is needed. This book features Thomas Baker one of the men. Thomas Baker has no family, his dying when he was just a lad. After the war was over he landed in jail because of gambling debt that he could not pay. He's hired on at Laurel Tracey's farm for a day. There is an instant attraction there between him and Laurel. He still has to go back to jail but when he is put up for sale Laurel purchases his release and he becomes an indentured servant for a year. He immediately goes into protective mode to protect her from all those wanting to harm her. There is no mystery as to who the bad guys are. You find out pretty early in the book. Thomas comes to realize that he has to call on the brotherhood of friends to help him confront the villains who want to harm Laurel and drive her off her farm.

I enjoyed reading this book better than the first one in the series. I think the characters and the storyline was developed better. I look forward to reading more stories in this series. Thanks to Netgalley and Zondervan for providing me a digital copy of this book to review. An Uncommon Protector is due to be released on February 7, 2017.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Art of Stone Painting by F. Sehnaz Bac

After looking at this book I want to go out and find me some nice smooth stones to paint. Coloring books are currently the craze but the idea of painting stones pretty bright colors is appealing to me. Lots of great ideas in this book and simple instructions to get you started. I'm thinking about using some of the designs included in this book and maybe put a bible verse on the back.

Thanks to Netgalley and Dover books for providing me a digital copy of this book to review. This book will release on January 18, 2017.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Still Life by Dani Pettrey

Second in the Chesapeake Valor series this book features Parker and Avery who we met in the last book. Parker and Avery started having feelings in the last book but did not follow through because Parker still was not over his first love who was murdered several years prior. Also, Avery has things in her past that she doesn't know whether or not Parker could handle.

The story starts off with a mystery. Avery's friend Skylar is missing and they suspect she may already be dead. You don't know until the end of the book the fate of Skylar. Is she alive or dead? Skylar was a friend of Avery's before Avery became a Christian. Skylar does not have the best reputation and she has hung out with some unsavory people. I loved how Parker stood by Avery giving her support in finding out what happened to her friend.  There are many suspects who could have been responsible for the missing girl. Let me tell you I was surprised. I didn't see that coming.

There is also another plot involving Muslins. This plot confused me being thrown into the story. It would have been  less confusing had this plot had it's own book or have been more clearly defined. There were too many characters in that storyline that I could not keep straight. I supposed it will be resolved in another book and we will find out the connection?  I'm looking forward to the next book which is supposed to come out in the Fall.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bethany House for providing me a digital copy of this book to review. This book is due to be released on January 31, 2016

Rescue Me by Susan May Warren

I got introduced to Susan May Warren's books last year with her Christiansen family series. I enjoyed that series. I didn't think she could get any better than that series but she hit a home run with this series. I'm loving it and can't wait until the next book in the series will come out later this year.
This book features Sam Books and a love triangle. He's dating Sierra Rose but there is some chemistry going on with Willow. Both Willow and Sam try to fight the chemistry. Neither of them want to hurt Sierra Rose who has had enough hurt in her life lately with Ian. When Willow and Sam are thrown together on a hiking trip in the widerness of Glacier National Park with a group of church youth the chemistry cannot be denied. An event happens where everyone's lives are in danger and Sam and Willow must work together so that lives can be saved. This book was fast paced and romantic and I'm so anxious for the next book to come out to see what will happen next.
There has been a mystery running through this series that has been in effect since the prequel. Esme, the niece of Ian disappeared. It was mentioned in the last book and at first it was not going to be mentioned in this one but in the last few pages a clue surfaced. Is she alive or dead? I can't wait to find out but I have a feeling we won't know until the very last book as to the fate of Esme.

Thanks to Netgalley and the Fleming H. Revell Company for providing me a digital copy of this book to review. This book will be released on January 31, 2016.