Friday, January 4, 2019

With This Pledge by Tamera Alexander

With this Pledge is the first full length novel in the Carnton series. The story takes place after the battle of Franklin one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War which took place on November 30, 1964. I was interested in this historical novel because I was born in middle Tennessee and many of my ancestors lived in the area at the time this battle took place. One of my paternal ancestors even served under General Hood. While reading this novel I could tell that the author thoroughly researched this period and the events that happened. Even the main characters are based on real people. I read on Tamera's website that she interviewed one of the descendants of Captain Roland Ward Jones. This descendant shared with Tamera some love letters that Captain Jones wrote to Lizzie. 

The story starts off with Elizabeth Causen employed as a governess to Winder and Hattie McGavock, the two surviving children of John and Carrie McGavock.  On November 30, her world changed when she had to pitch in and help care for the wounded. Carnton plantation, located less than a mile from the battle became a hospital where the wounded were treated and many did not survive. Even the children were witnesses to the horrors of war. Elizabeth had to aid the doctor in amputations. Her father was a pharmacist who she had a tiny bit of medical knowledge.  She felt a connection with Captain Roland one of the soldiers severely but she did not want to act on this attraction she she was betrothed to a childhood friend.

People who love to read historical novels particularly those set in the Civil War will enjoy reading this book. The characters were well written and engaging. I am looking forward to reading more books in the Carnton series. I received an ARC book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions are my own.  This book will be released on January 8, 2019. 

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