Monday, February 11, 2019

Suspicious Minds (Squeaky Clean Mystery, #2)Suspicious Minds by Christy Barritt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So much to like about this suspense filled book. Gabby is dating the cop she met in the first book even though she feels no real chemistry with him. Her dream man is Riley but will she every have those dreams fulfilled. A new friend is added to the mix, Chad who will eventually become her partner in the crime cleaning business. They find a dead Elvis impersonator int he crawl space of a house. Gabby can't help but to get involved in an investigation as to how this Elvis impersonator met his end. This Elvis impersonator was quite the ladies man. He had a wife and a mistress on this side who both had motives to kill him but who did. As usual her investigation the murderer nervous and her life is put in danger.

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