Thursday, May 2, 2019

A Silken ThreadA Silken Thread by Kim Vogel Sawyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Set in 1895 during the Atlanta Exposition A Silken Thread is a wonderful story. Laurel Millard is the youngest of 7 children. Most of her siblings were quite selfish and expected her to give up her life and take care of her mother even though the mother was in excellent health. They expected her to not have a chance at happiness to take care of her mother. She takes a job at the Atlanta Exposition as a silk weaver. She meets the wealthy and spoiled Langdon Rochester and starts seeing him. I got frustrated at her at times for not seeing him for what he was. It bothered her the way he treated people but she was so wrapped up in that he would be the answer to her prayers that she ignored things for too long. She thought he would be the one to take care of her and her mother. If you are expecting a lot of romance in this book this is not the one. The romance at the end is low key but satisfying.

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