Saturday, May 16, 2020

Dead Silence by Robin Caroll

Dead Silence had me hooked from the first few pages when single mom Elise was able to read lips of men plotting to "take care" of the senator. Elise works in the court system as a sign language interpretor. She is good at her job since she son is totally deaf. She is distracted from telling what she witnessed to the police when she gets a call that her son has broken his arm and is in the hospital. Before she is able to tell what she knows the unthinkable happens to the senator. A series of events happens that put her and her son't life in danger. It doesn't help that the FBI is not helpful to her, one of them a female FBI agents that is always making snide remarks. I loved the dedication that Elise went through to protect her family. Loved that she had the support of her sister-in-law.
I read another reviewer who said she guess who the murderer was by the middle of the book. I did not guess and only knew when it was revealed to the reader.

Thanks to Barbour Publishing and Netgalley for providing me a digital copy of this book to read and review.

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