Friday, May 15, 2020

Unveiling the Past: A Novel by Kim Vogel Sawyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unveiling the Past is a sequel to Bringing Maggie Home. This book can be read as a standalone but I would suggest reading Bringing Maggie Home first. You get acquainted with the characters that appear in the first book on a more deeper level. There were three different storylines in this book. You have Hazel and her daughter Diane were in Las Vegas. Diane reconnects with Kevin the father of her child who had abandoned her some 30 plus years ago when she informed him she was pregnant. I didn't like Kevin at first. He was a jerk and he didn't improve with age either but as Hazel and Diane witnessed to him I grew to like him. God does that to people. He takes someone who is broken and fixes them. Then you have Meghan and Sean who work at a detective agency. Meghan is the daughter that Diane raised as a single mother. Meghan and Sean are involved in two separate cases and those cases are resolved by the end of the book. I don't know how the author managed to pull off three storylines in one book but she did it very well. I absolutely loved this book. I thought the first book in the series was my favorite by the author but this one may beat it out.

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