Monday, December 5, 2016

Amish Weddings by Leslie Gould

Amish Weddings is the last book in the Amish Neighbors series. When we first met the Becks and the Lehmans in the first book the Becks and Lehmans were children. Now most of them are all grown up and making adult decisions. Zane Beck the son of the English family has decided to go Amish. He is very much in love with Lila and they plan on getting married. Rose is the next oldest daughter. She is currently dating Reuben who was previously in love with Lila in the previous story. There are some life-changing events that stand in the way of Lila and Beck getting married. I loved watching how the characters were able to overcome these obstacles. This life-changing event cause a ripple effect and other characters were affected. One character made some very unwise decisions. I could see what was going to happen and could predict. I wanted to reach out through the pages and warn this character. Stay away! Run!  I loved that this character has the loving support of the community. Overall I was very pleased with the ending.

Some of the reviews state that they were confused by all the characters. Since I have read all the previous stories I did not get confused at all but I could see where one could get confused which is why I think these stories should be read in order. It would be more enjoyable to the reader and the reader would have less confusion.

This book is due to be released on January 3, 2016. Thanks to Netgalley and Bethany House for providing me a digital copy of this book to review.

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