Saturday, August 24, 2013

Safe In His Arms by Colleen Coble

This western romance mystery takes place in Texas in the 1800s.  During that time men inherited the ranches and women were expected to marry and raise their own families.  Margaret's brother died some years earlier so only she was left of her father's children.  Margaret did not feel she would ever marry but she felt she was more than capable of running a ranch but her father had other ideas and announced to her that he was leaving the ranch to her male cousin.  Anyway her father decides to hire a foreman. The foreman, Daniel sees the beauty in Margaret that she does not see in herself.  Margaret is drawn to him to comes to realize that Daniel has secrets.  She doesn't know if she can trust him.  She thinks he is involved in bank robberies.   It is true that Daniel has secrets but he cannot reveal the secrets to her without putting her in danger.

Just when all the bad guys are reveals and you think it is all wrapped up some more stuff happens that will keep you in suspense.  You will just have to read the book to find out.

Thanks to Thomas Nelson and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book to review.

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