Monday, October 1, 2012

Found by Shelley Shepard Gray

Found is the final book in The Secrets of Crittenden County. This series of books follows the lives of Walker, Lydia, Frannie, and Jacob who were all affected by the murder of Perry Bontrager. Who killed Perry Bontrager? We find out in this book. Perry was a troubled Amish youth. He has strayed way far from his Amish teachings getting into trouble with drugs. He was not well liked by the people who used to be his friends. Anybody could have killed him. I had a suspicion about half-way through the book and my suspicion was correct. I didn't want my suspicion to be true because I liked this particular person. A sad outcome for one family but their strong faith got them through that difficult time.

This is a series of books that really must be read in order to fully appreciate the story. You will lose too much if you read out of order.

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