Friday, June 23, 2017

Restored: Never Give Up Hope (The Broken Series Book 3)Restored: Never Give Up Hope by Kimberly Rae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read the first book in the series which was Shredded nearly two years ago when it was released. I was looking forward to reading the second book but never got around to reading it until book three was released and then I read the books back to back. I finished Shattered in the morning and immediately started reading Restored. I am now glad that I waited until the third was released because there was so much unfinished business in book 2. There was so much destruction that happened in book 2, so many lives changed forever and so much sadness. Book 3 returns with most of the same characters we grew to love in the first two books. This book resolves many of the problems that have happened since the beginning of the book. All the characters grew. Jean became less timid and more confident in herself and grew in the Lord. Candy was a delight in the beginning book and still was delight with the third book. I would love to be friends with a Candy even though I could never relate to her background. Her love for Jesus and her understanding for things of the Lord just continued to expound throughout the series. She had such a love for prostitutes that they should know the love of Jesus that she had. She wanted to share with the abused and forgotten women. I absolutely loved the character of Florence. She was so funny at time. Not going to give away too much detail. You just have to read for yourself.

With most series books can be read alone but not with this series. I suggest you start with book 1 and read in order. You would get the most out of the series if you did. You would understand more fully what the pain the characters went through.

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