Sunday, June 11, 2023

Starstuck by Amy Clipston

 Heather Gordon is content working in her family's restaurant making desserts. She has dreams of opening her own shop combing two loves which are reading and baking desserts. One day the members of the band Kirwan enters the family restaurantI.  Her sister is impressed and in awe but Heather is not particularly when the two younger brothers of the band make a mess after having a food fight.  The older brother Alex comes in and apologizes and helps to clean up.  He tries to make ammends by offering free tickets to their con
cert.  Healther reluctanly goes to the concert after being pressured by her younger sister..  She enjoyed the concert more than she thought she would.  After the concert she goes looking for her sister and accidentally wanders into Alex's dressing room. They get into a conversation and find out they both enjoy books.  She thought she would never see him again but she loses her phone and Alex finds it.  He traces her down and gives it back to her personally. They start communicating by text, email and zoom calls. I loved the character of Alex. He was so down to earth and wanted to do something more with his life other than be a rockstar. His younger brothers were more enamored with the fame and all that goes with fame. Alex was more humble. He loved that Heather was not like most girls who threw themselves at him. I loved how their love grew and not just an instant thing.  I kept wondering how these two unlikely people would ever find happiness. He was a public figure and she was just a small town home girl and liked her privacy.  Loved how they were able to face these obstacles to find the happiness they deserved. 

I  received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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