Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Saving the Marquise's Granddaughter by Carrie Fancett Pagels

I loved reading about the Hugenots and what they went through in this book.  The year is 1742 and the Hugenots in France are suffering persecution. The Hugenots were a protestant group in France and were persecuted by the Catholic majority. Suzanne’s family suffered persecution and even though Suzanne did not share her parent’s faith her life was in danger.  Loved the character of Johan and how he was committed to protecting her and seeing her to safety. Loved seeing how Suzanne came into her own faith. Lots of adventure in this book.  I highly recommend this book for anyone who likes historical romance.

Thanks to Netgalley and Pelican Book Group for providing me a digital copy of this book to review.

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