My Not So Wicked Stepbrother by
Jennifer Peel
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
My Not So Wicked Stepbrother is Peel's first in the My Not So Wicked series. I could relate to the heroine Emma on so many levels. In most books the main female character is beautiful with not a bit of fat on her and she wears a size two. Not so with Emma Loveless. She is about 15 pounds overweight and loves food. She is more or less a tomboy. She even works in a mostly male career. She thinks her last name has doomed her. For the past year she has been in love with Sawyer but she thinks he could never be interested in someone like her. Furthering complicating things is that Sawyer is her step-brother. Her mother had not been deceased that long when he married Sawyer's mother. This book reminded me of a modern day Cinderella in that the step-mother was wicked. How in the world did she produce such a nice son like Sawyer?
I really like the flow of this book. It took the majority of the book to get to the kissing but the wait was worth it. This book had me laughing in several parts. I particularly though the camping scene where Emma had to teach a girl how to use the bathroom in the woods was hilarious. I loved all the supporting characters but wanted to slap her father for being such a doofus and not standing up to his evil wife for treating Emma so badly.
At the end of the book I read a preview for the next book. Looks like it will feature Shelby and her ex-fiance. I grew to love the character of Shelby in this book. I didn't at first but she grew on me.
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